

Training on the Enviro-HIRLAM model at the University of Helsinki

During 18 February – 4 March 2018 Dr. Olga Shevchenko and MSc student Mariia Matviienko (representatives of Meteorology and Climatology department, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) visited the University of Helsinki (UHEL), Institute for the Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), and Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI, Helsinki, Finland). O. Shevchenko and M. Matviienko participated in the Enviro-HIRLAM research and education training. This event was organized and funded under the Erasmus+ Project ECOIMPACT «Adaptive learning environment for competence in economic and societal impacts of local weather, air quality and climate».

The training on the Enviro-HIRLAM (Environment - HIgh Resolution Limited Area Model) modelling system included introduction and practical aspects of this model usage (initial steps – how to install, setup and run on supercomputer at the Finnish CSC and at the TSNUK supercomputing cluster), performing runs for different resolutions over Europe, Ukraine and Kyiv metropolitan area for selected period in July month; introduction and basic steps for using the ECMWF HPC computing facilities, meteorological and atmospheric composition datasets, and visualization tools for meteorological applications.

O. Shevchenko and M. Matviienko attended the seminar "Aquaplanet simulations as a tool to increase our ignorance of Earth's climate" (by Dr. Thomas Toniazzo, from the Bjerkness Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway); lecture on «Atmospheric and aerosol chemistry» (by Dr. Michael Boy, UHEL), and research seminars of the Dynamic Meteorology and Earth System Modelling groups. Dr. Olga Shevchenko delivered also the talk “Meteorological education and research at the TSNUK” followed by discussions on educational aspects, microclimatology, biometeorology, urban meteorology, atmospheric pollution, and others.

The representatives of Meteorology and Climatology department also visited (under guidance of Dr. Leena Jarvi) the Station for Measuring Ecosystem – Atmosphere Relations (SMEAR-III) located in the urban of Helsinki and had discussion on possibility of mutual collaboration on urban meteorology and air pollution studies, proposals. They also met with Hanna K. Lapallainen on possibility of TSNUK involvement into Pan-Eurasian EXperiment (PEEX) programme and signing PEEX Memorandum of Understanding.