

Seminar on the development of the personal learning environment and Steering Committee of ERASMUS+ ECOIMPACT PROJECT Meeting at the Plovdiv Agrarian University

On 9-16 October, 2017 Steering Committee meeting of ERASMUS + ECOIMPACT - project (“Adaptive learning environment for competence in economic and societal impacts of local weather, air quality and climate”) and Seminar on the development of the personal learning environment were held at Plovdiv Agrarian University (Bulgaria). Events were carried out by the consortium which includes our University.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv was represented at the meeting of the coordination group by Head of the Department of International Cooperation A. Kravchenko and Head of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology Professor S. Snizhko. The participants of the meeting discussed the progress in implementation of the project objectives and agreed the action plan for the next project period.

From our University Pofessor S. Snizhko, Associate Professor of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology O. Shevchenko and specialist of the network technologies sector O. Zagariya participated in the seminar on the development of personal learning environment. The purpose of the seminar was to form for the participants the ideas about the possibilities and features of the modern Internet of Things (IoT), studying of the methods of developing of educational materials that allow to individualize the educational process and studying the foundations of the creation of laboratory works within the framework of the IoT concept in accordance with the subject of the project.

The seminar was conducted in the form of lectures and practical works. For practices the participants were divided into mini-groups which were solving the specific tasks. Participants from our University took part in the work of the group that carried out trhe project on developing of the portable automatic meteorological station based on the Arduino platform and connecting it to the computer, local and cloud services.

Arduino platform has low cost and ample opportunity for connectivity to it the peripheral technical devices, including portable meteorological sensors for investigation the state of the atmosphere.

As a result of the participation in this seminar the representatives of our University received the new competencies regarding the creation and development of the personal learning environment and its use in the educational process as well as skills for the creation of low-budget portable automatic meteorological stations that can be used in the learning process and integrated into the personal learning environment.