

at the Finish Meteorological Institute in Helsinki, Finland

During 11–13 December 2018 Prof. Vladyslav Tymofeyev (representatives of Meteorology and Climatology department, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) participated in the Meteorological Simulator Build Workshop. This event was organized by EUMETSAT, Finnish Meteorological Institute and EUMETCAL. Vladyslav Tymofeyev participation in this workshop was funded under the Erasmus+ Project ECOIMPACT «Adaptive learning environment for competence in economic and societal impacts of local weather, air quality and climate».

The workshop objectives are to increase participations skills in:

1) Designing the storyboard for a simulator,

2) Retrieving and editing the required data for the case,

3) Assembling the data using a meteorological Simulator authoring tool.

During the workshop Prof. Tymofeyev made a case study with extreme winter thunderstorm event and unpredicted event of shower rain in Kyiv in June, 2018 using the simulator and developed of a synoptic application linking the scale of atmospheric motions, from large-scale to local.

Prof. Tymofeyev will use knowledge and skills which he got during the workshop in teaching process with Meteorology and Climatology Department students.